Sponsorship Welcome

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce that The Dexeus Mujer Foundation will host its 46th International Dexeus Congress in Barcelona,Spain, on April 25-27, 2024.

The Congress will feature 10 scientific sessions, 3 debates and 2 parallel embryology sessions from renowned international experts in the field of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

We review the latest findings on genetics, embryology and andrology, and we will discuss and debate over novelties in the field of fertility preservation, ovarian stimulation and ovulation triggering, luteal phase support and recurrent implantation failure.

Finally, we will “deep-dive” into the future through innovative subjects such as, the role of environment in human fertility, artificial intelligence in the lab and beyond, or even automated ICSI.

International speakers of outstanding worldwide prestige, pioneering subjects and great atmosphere are the best recipe for a successful meeting and we are waiting for you!

Looking forward to seeing you in Barcelona for a fascinating, interactive and innovative congress!

Prof. Dr. Nikolaos P. Polyzos

Director Dexeus Congress

Dr. Pedro N. Barri Ragué

President Dexeus Mujer Foundation