The Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine in Dexeus Mujer is a Teaching Unit in the Hospital Universitari Dexeus recognised by the National Programme for Medical Intern Residents (MIR). Over the past 40 years, more than 200 resident doctor have chosen our centre to study their speciality. During their residency, the department encourages and supports them to develop their research skills, encouraging them to write a doctoral thesis if they so wish.
A recent example is Dr Cristina Castellet, a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Hospital Universitari Dexeus, who presented her doctoral thesis at our centre in November 2022: “Infiltrating micropapillary carcinoma of the breast. Long-term prognosis” , directed by Dr. Francesc Tresserra and Professor Ramón Carreras; a work that has just been published in the journal Senología y Patología mamaria Journal of Breast Science July-September 2023.
The Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction in Dexeus Mujer has also a high-level training programme in clinical embryology. In this field, the embryologist Lluc Coll Luján, from the Preimplantational Genetic Diagnosis laboratory of Dexeus Mujer has also recently presented in the auditorium of Dexeus Mujer his doctoral thesis, under the title: “A comprehensive analysis of blastocyst chromosome mosaicism in PGT-A cycles” , directed by Dr Mónica Parriego and Dr Anna Veiga, and tutored by Dr Josep Santaló of the UAB.

The continuous training and scientific development of our residents and assistants is one of our main objectives. The Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine at Dexeus Mujer offers a wide range of options available to them with the aim of promoting the professional growth of each of them.