Training stays

The prestige of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction of Dexeus Mujer – Hospital Universitari Dexeus, as well as its recognized training vocation, constitutes an attraction for many professionals who wish to expand their training through assistance in our centre.

The training stays allow the professional to integrate into our department, living in the front line with our assistants and being able to attend the medical committees and the weekly clinical sessions that also allow to delve into the organization and implementation of the different assistance programs, or into the learning a specific technique.

Places are available for training stays in the following areas:


  • High Obstetric Risk.
  • Obstetric-gynaecological ultrasound and Prenatal Diagnosis.
  • Endoscopic Surgery and Gynaecology.
  • Oncological Gynaecology and Mastology.
  • Cervical Pathology / Lower Genital Tract.
  • Pelvic floor.
  • Gynaecological diagnostic imaging.
  • Reproductive Medicine.
  • Genetic Counselling

Biologists and biomedical science graduates

  • Assisted Reproduction Laboratories:
    • In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory (IVF).
    • Cryobiology Laboratory (CRYO).
    • Andrology Laboratory (ANDRO).
    • Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Laboratory (PGD).
  • Genetic Counselling Consultations.
  • Consultations of the Oocyte and Embryo Donation Program.

Application for training stays

If you want to do a training stay in our department, send us your request, and specify in which service or area you want to rotate. We will organize a customized program for you so that you can make the most of your stay with us. The experience will surely be satisfactory in both the healthcare and scientific aspects and will have a positive impact on your expertise as a professional.

More than 80 years of experience as a School endorse us!

The Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction of the Hospital Universitari Dexeus (HUD) is a teaching unit that welcomes students from different national and international universities.

As a teaching centre, the HUD has been attached to the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) since 1989 and began collaborating in undergraduate training in September 2010.

Every year our department offers 30 places to 6th year medical students from the UAB for clinical internships in the field of obstetrics, gynaecology and reproduction at our Dexeus Mujer centre in Barcelona. These internships allow the medical student to integrate into our Department, living in the front line with our treating physicians and MIR residents, being able to attend the medical committees and clinical sessions that are held weekly and also allowing them to delve into the organisation and implementation of the different care programmes and learning specific techniques. The rotations last 2 weeks and combine attendance at the different departments and units.

Here is a sample rotation plan:

If you are studying medicine at the UAB (Sant Pau, Valle d’Hebron) and would like to do your obstetrics, gynaecology and reproduction internship with us, you must apply and make the necessary arrangements through your university.

Currently there is also a collaboration agreement with other universities. If you are interested, you should find out if this is the case between your university and Dexeus University Hospital. Requests from other universities will be assessed by the Teaching Committee according to availability.

For more information:

Dexeus Campus
Teaching Unit of the Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproduction Department.
Dexeus Mujer. Hospital Universitari Dexeus.
Barcelona. Spain.

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