Fundamentals of Morphological Ultrasound and Foetal Growth

Director: Gerard Albaigés
Overview of different aspects of foetal morphological ultrasound, foetal growth and its relation to placental dysfunction.

Dates: From 13-06-2024 to 12-06-2025

Dates info: From 13/06/2024 to 12/06/2025

Course type: Online

Area: Obstetrics

Language: Spanish

Places: Limited

Enrollment: 170€

Fundamentals in the Diagnosis and Management of the Sterile Patient

Director: Buenaventura Coroleu
Diagnostic approach to the main causes of infertility, the development of a prognosis, as well as the management of each case.

Dates: From 20-06-2024 to 19-06-2025

Dates info: From 20/06/2024 to 19/06/2025

Course type: Online

Area: Reproductive Medicine

Language: Spanish

Places: Limited

Enrollment: 160€

Diagnostic Imaging of Breast Pathology in Gynaecology

Director: Mª Ángela Pascual
Our aim is to transfer the highly specialised language of radiologists to the context of the gynaecological practice using a didactic methodology.

Dates: From 07-05-2024 to 16-07-2024

Course type: Online

Area: Gynaecological diagnostic imaging

Language: Spanish

Places: Limited

Enrollment: 230€

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