Fertility experts at Dexeus Mujer assess the indication for ICSI in assisted reproduction and debunk myths

Although ICSI has meant a significant advance in the field of reproductive medicine in patients with male infertility problems, there is a certain disparity of opinions in the medical world about its use in other cases of infertility.
Embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage improves pregnancy and live-birth rates in egg donation treatments

The study, led by the biologist Dr Elisabet Clua, head of the Oocyte and Embryo Donation Programme at Dexeus Mujer, was carried out at this centre between April 2017 and August 2018. The sample of women under study were recipients…
A study facilitates the ultrasound diagnosis of endometrial pathologies based on IETA terminology

Dr Mª Angela Pascual, head of R&D&I at the Gynaecological Diagnostic Imaging Service of Dexeus Mujer, has participated in a large prospective multicentre European study performed in pre- and post-menopausal women in order to describe the ultrasound findings…
Higher maternal age and hospital resources explain the higher caesarean rate in the private sector

In the last two decades, C-section rates have risen from 15 to 25% in the public healthcare system, and from 28 to 38% in the private sector. The causes of this increase are many and, often, unclear. For this reason, Dexeus Mujer has participated in a retrospective study…